Truck Accidents

We all share the road with large trucks, which provide the bulk and muscle for businesses to transport cargo from point A to point B. Our economy would grind to a halt without the service provided by these highway giants and their drivers.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), large trucks are those with a gross vehicle weight of at least 10,000 pounds, but some can be as large as 80,000 pounds and stretch as long as 75 feet. They may be single-unit trucks (like the kind UPS drives) or combination tractor trailers, including the formidable double trucks, which roar by on the highway like small trains.

Traffic accidents involving trucks can be catastrophic. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that some 500,000 truck accidents occur each year, resulting in an average of 5,000 deaths and 130,000 injuries.

Butschky & Butschky, LLC is a small legal practice based in Maryland, and representing clients injured in truck accidents throughout the Mid-Atlantic area. As experienced personal injury attorneys, we ensure that you receive the proper medical care, document your injuries properly, prove liability, and receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Important Note: Maryland is one of the few states that still upholds a “contributory negligence” law — meaning if you are found to be even 1/100th of a percent responsible for the truck accident where you sustained injuries, your insurance claim can be denied. This is why it is critical to retain a personal injury attorney who understands the intricacies of Maryland law and the insurance system. We are experts in both.

Truck accidents may be caused by some of the factors that contribute to auto accidents: driver negligence, weather and road conditions, faulty equipment. Other factors include:

  • Truck drivers are under pressure from their employers to deliver goods on time; they may drive too fast, recklessly, and suffer from fatigue.
  • Passenger car drivers misjudge the distance and time it takes trucks to maneuver and stop.
  • 75% of all truck accidents aren’t the truck drivers’ fault, but are due to the negligence of drivers in smaller cars.
  • Only 1% of fatal truck accidents are caused by driving under the influence.

If you’ve been hurt in an accident involving a truck, it’s important to consult an experienced personal injury attorney who is expert in trucking laws and proving liability in commercial truck accidents.

Butschky & Butschky, LLC only represents plaintiffs who have been injured in truck accidents — not those at fault. This allows us to focus entirely on relieving our clients of the burden of pursuing an insurance claim or litigating for compensation for their injuries. Our goal is to help our clients recover from their injuries with the peace of mind that comes from knowing an experienced personal injury attorney is handling legal matters.

If You’ve Been Injured in a Truck Accident…

  1. Seek immediate medical attention and document your injuries.
  2. Get all the information you can about the other party.
  3. Note the details on the circumstances surrounding the accident.
  4. DO NOT speak to the insurance company! This is very important, as injured people can be misled into giving statements that will be used to deny their claim.
  5. Contact us for a free consultation to see if you may have a legitimate claim.

To schedule a complimentary consultation, please call us at (410) 472-3651 or (800) 722-6616, or send us an email.

For more helpful information in what to do if you’re in a car, truck, SUV, or motorcycle accident in Maryland or elsewhere in the Mid-Atlantic, please see our blog articles on “Help! I’ve Been in an Accident!”

Contact Us

  1. 1 Free Consultation
  2. 2 No Fee Unless We Win
  3. 3 Experienced Trial Lawyers
Fill out the contact form or call us at (800) 722-6616 to schedule your free consultation.

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